Shifa Qurban



“Cure the sick among you with sadaqah and repel calamities with dua.” (Bayhaqi, Shu`ab Al-Îmân)

Shifa Qurban: A Sacrifice of Healing and Hope

In Islam, the act of sacrifice is not just a ritual but a profound gesture of devotion, compassion, and care for others. Among these meaningful acts is the Shifa Qurban, a unique type of qurban specifically offered for individuals facing health challenges or for their loved ones. This qurban symbolizes the collective prayer and effort of Muslims to seek Allah's mercy for health and well-being.

What is a Shifa Qurban?

A Shifa Qurban, as its name suggests, is a sacrificial offering with the intention of seeking “shifa” (healing) from Allah. This act is performed for individuals battling illnesses or seeking protection and improvement in health for themselves or their loved ones. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Seek cures, for indeed Allah has sent down the disease and the cure, and made for every disease a cure.” (Sunan Abi Dawood)

By performing a Shifa Qurban, Muslims turn to Allah in humility, expressing their reliance on His infinite mercy and acknowledging that ultimate healing lies in His hands.

How We Perform Qurban at Infaq

At Infaq, we handle your Shifa Qurban with care and dedication:

  1. Payment and Confirmation: You make your donation, and we confirm your contribution along with the intention of shifa.
  2. Sacrifice and Distribution: The livestock is sacrificed following Islamic principles, and the fresh meat is immediately distributed to those in need.
  3. Video Proof: A video of the qurban is shared with you via WhatsApp within three days, ensuring transparency and trust.

The Spiritual Significance of Shifa Qurban

The act of offering a qurban, particularly a Shifa Qurban, is deeply rooted in Islamic teachings. Sacrifices have always been an avenue to seek nearness to Allah, as stated in the Quran:

“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.” (Surah Al-Hajj: 37)

Moreover, the concept of sadaqah (charity) is closely tied to seeking healing. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised:

“Cure the sick among you with sadaqah and repel calamities with dua.” (Bayhaqi, Shu`ab Al-Îmân)【35:9†source】.

This emphasizes the dual benefit of Shifa Qurban as both a means of fulfilling the Sunnah and a form of sadaqah that brings healing and blessings.

Impact Beyond the Sacrifice

The Shifa Qurban not only seeks blessings for health but also creates a ripple effect of goodness in society. By distributing fresh meat to the needy, it addresses food insecurity and strengthens the bonds of community. The recipients, many of whom might otherwise rarely enjoy such provisions, offer heartfelt prayers for the donor’s health and well-being—amplifying the barakah (blessings) of this noble deed.

How Can You Participate?

Participating in a Shifa Qurban is a simple yet rewarding process:

  1. Make Your Intention: Begin with a sincere intention to offer the qurban for shifa.
  2. Choose Infaq: Trust Infaq to handle your qurban according to Shariah principles with transparency.
  3. Stay Connected: We keep you informed throughout the process, ensuring your donation makes the desired impact.
  4. Make Dua: Utilize this opportunity to make earnest dua for your loved ones’ health and the well-being of the beneficiaries.

A Call to Action

As Muslims, we have the power to turn our acts of worship into avenues of healing and kindness. By participating in a Shifa Qurban with Infaq, you are not only seeking Allah’s mercy for health but also feeding the hungry, spreading smiles, and fulfilling the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Make your intention today and join hands with us to bring healing, hope, and happiness to countless lives. May Allah accept your sacrifice, grant shifa to the sick, and fill your life with His boundless blessings. Ameen.